
Our Services

1.) MNSaving Program

Setup minimum 1 masternode of our 4 coins, register your masternode and join the voting which coin we should save next!

Earn Dividend Payments from the fee we get for Hosting and Shared Hosting for your registered Masternodes! 

2.) Hosting

We offer a hosting and you can pay with Cats, Piggie, MNSC and MNBTC.  Please join Discord and use our Hosting!  We offer Hosting for several Coins! 

3.) Shared Hosting

Please Join Discord for the Shared Hosting. We offer Shared Hosting for the following coins: 


You want to save an investment of any Masternode/Staking coin? You want to save your own coin? You want to save a project? 

For the winner of the MNSaving Program we offer: 


all you need to know

Setup minimum 1 masternode of our coins, register your masternode and join the voting which coin we should save next!

Our Coins are 

What is the Voting?

We offer a monthly Voting! Only registered Masternode owner can see the voting and can suggest next voting coins! 

The Coin with the most Votes get the next MNSaving Program. 

Voting works with Coins, you can vote as much as you want! 

1 Coin send = 1 Vote 

On Discord as a registered user you can see the deposit addresses! Vote as much as you want! 

Pros for the MNSaving Program

feel free to contact us for more details or your questions! 


What is the Dividend Payment?

We earn fees on Hosting and Shared Hosting. 

From these fees we pay partials to our registered Masternode owner.  

25% on Hosting & 10 % on Shared Hosting 

get our registered Masternode owner as Dividend! 

Come in contact with us!

Follow Us & Ask Us! 

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